Thursday, January 3, 2013

November Meeting EDITED

Where does the time go?!
I have some pics of the 'I know a/an ................  ....................... Who Swallowed a Fly'  I only took  'group' photos.  Unfortunately I've just discovered I'm no longer able to upload pctures from my computer :-/  Sorry girls I'll have to check this out; thought I'd publish this post anyway so you know I've popped by.
Happy New Year :-D
(the font setting was normal but it was tiny - don't know what's been going on with Blogger since I last posted)
Edited 6th
I've installed GoogleChrome on my laptop now and am able to upload pictures as before.
I've forgotten who the Little Girl belongs to (and didn't get a picture of her anyway) and who the Diva belongs to, sorry, I think I know but best to leave them unlabelled.

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